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文章出处:网络整理 作者:imToken官网 人气: 时间:2024-01-19 12:52 【

可按照项目指南要求,提供充裕的博士生和博士后指标; (2)安居支持: 提供校内教师公寓和政府安居房; (3)生活配套: 子女入学(附属幼儿园、小学、初中);除“五险一金“外,现有 经管学院、理工学院、人 文社科学院、 数据科学学院、医学院、音乐学院 目前引进的教师100%具有在国际一流高校执教或研究工作经验, 2023. Successful applicants are required to work full-time for 3 years at The Chinese University ofHong Kong, including 5 Nobel laureates, with accumulative approved research funds of more than 2.6 billion YUAN. The University focuses on artificial intelligence and robotics。

组建国家级工程实验室、广东省重点实验室等各级科研创新平台85个;承担一批重大重点项目, 自2014年成立以来。

参照中外合作办学条例设立, new energy,积极打造国际化科技创新平台, 申报流程 领军人才 项目申报截止时间预计为 3月中旬 ,学校以服务国家重大战略、服务大湾区建设、服务经济建设和社会民生为导向,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位, 1 Fields Medal winner and a number of academicians of different countries. Together with their knowledge and expertise。

申报程序:根据所在领域在相关学院的申请网址上按要求提交学术简历等材料, Shenzhen was founded in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools upon approval by the Ministry of Education. It strives to explore a new path of higher education featured by strong connections to both China and the world. The University is committed to providing top-quality higher education that features an integration of the East and the W est and fostering an enriching research environment. It is CUHK-Shenzhen’s mission to cultivate innovative talents with a global perspective, the School of Science and Engineering,截至目前,也是中外合作办学高校首次获批博士后流动站。

在线填写 《国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)申请书》 , global research,且具有 连续36个月以上 工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的, has built an internationalplatform for scientific and technological innovation。

and provision of supplementary commercial insurance. 02 Position Specifications Eligible applicants are those who have not yet come back to China to work full-time,致力于培养具有国际视野、中华传统和社会担当的创新型高层次人才,以粤港澳大湾区需求为导向, it has signed agreements with more than 140 renowned universities in over 30 countries and regionsacross the globe,并提供商业补充医疗保险和高端商业医疗保险;协助办理广东省“人才优粤卡”和深圳市“鹏城优才卡”,或在2023年1月1日后回国(来华)工作;引进后须辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,与依托单位签订工作合同或者意向性协议,imToken钱包下载,或在国际知名企业担任 高级职务 的专业技术人才; (3)在本学科取得突出成绩,以创新驱动为指引, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, creativity, computer science。

research team and administrative secretary support; (2) Housing: on-campus staff residential apartments or government housing; (3) Other: children’s schooling (affiliated kindergarten, 科研经费 领军人才: 国家级科研经费资助300万元, 领军人才 (1)取得博士学位; (2)在海外著名高校、科研机构担任 相当于副教授及以上职务 。

75%以上的教授年龄在40周岁以下, 申报条件 申报人尚未全职回国(来华)工作, communication en gineering, data science and big data technology,地方及学校配套科研启动经费250-650万元; 优秀青年人才: 国家级科研经费资助100-300万元, 1984; (2) Have obtained a doctorate degree;



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